da asia: webinar
Water Security & Justice webinar series – un’iniziativa di NNewave – Next Water Governancein collaborazione con Amsterdam Sustainability Institute Water Security & Justice Cluster, e w a t e r s p a c e.
Un ciclo di webinar dal 21 febbraio al 1° maggio 2024 per comprendere le connessioni tra giustizia, sicurezza e accesso alle risorse idriche.
Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui


Taking place between 21 February and 1 May, NEWAVE, in collaboration with Amsterdam Sustainability Institute Water Security & Justice Cluster, and w a t e r s p a c e, is organizing an open access webinar series.
The series consists of 8 lectures exploring the notion of water security & justice through the lens of 4 thematic clusters: (i)
1) water conflicts
2) water scarcity
3) water-food nexus
4) water-mining nexus
With two sessions per cluster, the series gatheres some of the leading voices within the field of water .
Each session consists of a 45 minutes lecture and a 15 minute Q&A between the speaker and the (online) audience.
All lectures are free and open to all upon registration.